Composer-Ensemble Connections

Are you a composer of choral works searching for an ensemble to perform your music?
Are you a choral ensemble seeking to expand your repertoire with quality new works?

The ICC is here to help you! We are passionately dedicated to bringing composers and choirs together to embolden the creation of new choral music.

Composers, we understand how difficult the process of finding someone to champion your music can be, and we're here to make it easier for you. Using the appropriate button below, tell us a bit about yourself and submit up to three scores (if you only have one, that's fine!), then we'll get the process rolling for you.

Ensembles, we understand that it can be a challenge finding new music worthy of your time and talent, not to mention the act of sorting through composers' direct submissions, and we're here to help you find what you're looking for. Using the appropriate button below, tell us a bit about yourself—what kind of music you typically perform, what level of difficulty you're comfortable with, etc—and we'll find you an excellent addition to your repertoire.

For more information contact: