2024 Summer Ringers Academy

Kansas City Bronze - Graphic March 2019.jpg
Kansas City Bronze - Graphic March 2019.jpg

2024 Summer Ringers Academy

from $0.00

The Choral Foundation requests a tuition of $45 for the Summer Ringers Academy. As a donation to the Choral Foundation, your membership fee may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax professional. If your employer offers matching funds, your contribution to the Choral Foundation may qualify. Please consult with your benefits administrator and be sure to inform him/her that the Choral Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation of the State of Kansas, licensed to conduct business in the states of Georgia, Illinois, and Missouri. The William Baker Choral Foundation, LLC, is a not-for-profit corporation of the State of Georgia and a wholly-owned subsidiary of the William Baker Choral Foundation, Inc.

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